August 2014
Be it known that of this date in the year 2014 -------- the Constitution, Articles, and By-laws of the Goodyear Lake Association have been caused to be amended at the July and August regular meetings of 2014.
These CHANGES have been presented and ACCEPTED by at least a two-thirds majority vote of the members present, and have been made for the following GENERAL reasons:
1. To update the wording in the instrument.
2. To make more explicit the duties of the officers of the association.
3. To protect the interest of members in the association of various offices.
4. To more clearly define the adopted By-laws.
Herein is a true and certified copy of the instrument as amended.
Chairperson of By-laws Comm.
CERTIFIED: __________________
THE UNDERSIGNED, owners of property at Goodyear Lake, in the Town of Milford, Otsego County, New York, desiring for mutual protection and the development of Goodyear Lake as a residential and summer camp community to form an organization, DO HEREBY CONSTITUTE themselves an ASSOCIATION in the manner following:
The name of such organization shall be “The Goodyear Lake Association, Inc.”
The purpose and object of the organization shall be the advancement of the material and social interests of its members, the improvement generally of conditions at Goodyear Lake, maintenance of Association Parkways, the protection of the member’s property, the conservation of fish and game, the preservation of the natural resources and beauties of Goodyear Lake and vicinity, and the development of the same as a comfortable, safe and refined residential and summer camp community.
A. The qualifications for membership shall be:
1. Must have paid the most recent association dues
2. Ownership or lease-held property, including long-term renters, located in the immediate vicinity of Goodyear Lake and possess interests in common with the By-laws of the Association.
3. Immediate vicinity shall be defined as the perimeter of the lake as contained within the following roadways: Starting at the intersection of NYS Rt. 7 and 28 in Colliersville -- St Rt. 7, County Rt. 35, into 35A, to NYS Rt. 28, returning back to the Rt. 7/28 intersection in Colliersville. In addition, property owners outside the perimeter are included provided their property has road frontage on the perimeter boundary.
4. Any other current Association member will maintain membership provided they continue to maintain their membership dues in a current status.
B. Members shall be entitled to: vote on any item that comes before the Association, theright to hold office or a board seat of the Association, the right to attend any and all board meetings of the Association, the right to use Association owned property in accordance with the conditions as set forth from time to time by the Association Board of Directors, and any other privileges afforded under the Associations By-Laws.
In addition:
C. Landowners with deeded right-of-ways, or easements, may use the Association Parkways/properties so specified in their deeds regardless of whether they are Association Members.
The officers shall be a President, Vice-president, a Secretary, and a Treasurer. Such officers shall be members of the Association and shall be elected at the annual meeting of the Association. The officers shall discharge the duties customarily discharged by similar officers in similar incorporated associations, subject to the following qualifications:
1. The President and Vice-president shall be elected to office for a two-year term. The President and the Vice-president shall be elected on alternate years. The Secretary and the Treasurer shall be elected to office for a two-year term and shall be elected on alternate years.
2. Upon ascendancy to office, newly elected officers shall contact the succeeded officer and obtain whatever information, articles, and/or material necessary to carry out the duties of his/her office. Confirmation of this shall be written into the minutes of the next regular meeting by a written report submitted by the officer-elect.
3. Each year, three members of the Goodyear Lake Association shall be elected to the Board of Directors for a period of three years (for a total of 9 directors), and every year the top three members will drop off while the new directors will be added to the bottom of the list.
4. The President, Vice-President, and Secretary shall have the power to sign legal documents for the Association. In the absence of the President, do to incapacitation or incapability, the Vice-President will assume his/her duties. In the event that neither the President nor the Vice-President can fulfill their duties, the board shall meet and appoint an interim until the next formal association election in August.
5. Two members of the Board of Directors shall be appointed by the President at the annual meeting (August) for election of officers to audit the books of the Treasurer and shall submit a report of same to the President before the first regular board/officer meeting in October of that year.
All Officers and Board of Directors of the organization shall assume their duties from October 1st of their elective year to September 30th of the year their term expires to facilitate the administrative changeover of officers. Under special circumstances where the succeeded officer is unable to continue his/her duties till September 30th of that year, the succeeding officer shall assume office immediately upon election.
6. Decisions of the Board of Directors may be challenged and over-ridden at the next regular association meeting by a three-quarter majority vote of the members present.
7. Any officer wishing to resign should submit his/her resignation in writing to the President – giving his/her reasons. Resignation of the President should be made to the Vice-President. Further, upon the absence or unavailability of the President, the Vice-president shall assume the President’s duties – and bearing upon the inevitability of a prolonged absence, a Vice-president shall be selected by a majority vote of the Board of Directors to serve the remainder of the term. A new President will then be elected at the next annual meeting (August) for the election of officers.
8. No single expenditure of more than $200 (Two Hundred Dollars) total for any single endeavor shall be made by any officer of the Association without consent of the Board Members on the Ways and Means Committee; except as a bill such as liability insurance, or as needed for legal representation – as noted (i.e. #4 in the Officers section).
Three regular association meetings a year will be held: the first in June, second in July, and the third in August. Any appropriate Saturday or Sunday in the month may be designated at the discretion of the President. Regular meetings, if postponed, will be held on the next succeeding Saturday or Sunday, circumstances permitting. Election of officers shall take place at the regular association meeting held in August. Additional general meetings may be held at the discretion of the President, circumstances permitting, either prior to the June meeting or following the August meeting with two weeks’ notice. However, in an emergency situation, as declared by the board, special general meetings may be held at any time with three days’ notice at the call of President, Vice-President, or at the request of five or more members of the Association and with the majority approval of the Board of Directors.
Board of Director/Officer Meetings may be held at any time at the call of the President, Vice-President, or three board members. Each director and officer shall be entitled to one vote except for the President who shall vote only in the event of a tie. Quorum: One more than half of the current number of board members.
At the regularly scheduled June Association meeting a nominating committee will be appointed to seek candidates for officers and directors whose terms will expire on September 30. The committee shall be responsible for submitting an appropriate slate of candidates at the regularly scheduled Association meeting in July and recommending that the slate so presented be nominated for the position indicated. Nominations from the floor may be made at the July meeting by any dues paid association member in attendance or by the submission of a written nomination to any officer or director made by any dues paid association member.
Election of Officers and Directors will take place at the regularly scheduled August meeting. Any dues paid association member is entitled to one vote, which may be made in person or by submitting a written proxy to any officer or director of the Association.
The candidate(s) with the largest number of votes will assume the position so elected to on October 1st.
All members shall pay annual dues of $ 30 per household payable to any officer, or authorized representative. (The amount deemed necessary to “carry on business” as determined by the Board of Directors.) Such dues become payable by June and shall cover membership privileges from June of one year to the next. Association stickers will be issued to dues paying members.
All committees shall be appointed by the President, who shall himself be a member thereof “ex-officio.” The permanent committees, appointed annually, shall consist of the following:
1. WAYS AND MEANS Committee, which shall consist of two or more members, who will assume the audit of the books (refer to #5--Officers section—which stipulates two Board Members), and other duties as requested by the President. The Ways and Means Committee will present for adoption a report of their audit findings at the first regular board/officer meeting in October each year. The fiscal year of the organization shall be from January 1st of that year, ending in December 31st of the same year.
2. ENTERTAINMENT/SOCIAL Committee shall be made up of officers and board members as needed for the events planned.
3. COMMITTEE FOR PERMANENT IMPROVEMENTS, which shall consist of two or more members who will be charged with all endeavors and investigations concerned with improving conditions generally at Goodyear Lake and its surroundings. This committee shall also initiate and incorporate all safety signs and devices on the Lake proper, as well as all similar signs and devices on land.
4. MEMBERSHIP Committee, which shall consist of two or more members who will have charge of updating the current mailing list and contacting new property owners.
5. SUNSHINE COMMITTEE: To acknowledge significant life events of fellow members and lake residents.
6. Special committees may be appointed by the President at any time.
These articles of organization may be amended at any annual meeting (August) or at a special meeting called for that purpose upon a two-thirds majority vote of the members in attendance.
Revised August 27, 2000 Revised August 20, 2011 Revised August __, 2014 Revised July 16, 2022
August 2014
Be it known that of this date in the year 2014 -------- the Constitution, Articles, and By-laws of the Goodyear Lake Association have been caused to be amended at the July and August regular meetings of 2014.
These CHANGES have been presented and ACCEPTED by at least a two-thirds majority vote of the members present, and have been made for the following GENERAL reasons:
1. To update the wording in the instrument.
2. To make more explicit the duties of the officers of the association.
3. To protect the interest of members in the association of various offices.
4. To more clearly define the adopted By-laws.
Herein is a true and certified copy of the instrument as amended.
Chairperson of By-laws Comm.
CERTIFIED: __________________
THE UNDERSIGNED, owners of property at Goodyear Lake, in the Town of Milford, Otsego County, New York, desiring for mutual protection and the development of Goodyear Lake as a residential and summer camp community to form an organization, DO HEREBY CONSTITUTE themselves an ASSOCIATION in the manner following:
The name of such organization shall be “The Goodyear Lake Association, Inc.”
The purpose and object of the organization shall be the advancement of the material and social interests of its members, the improvement generally of conditions at Goodyear Lake, maintenance of Association Parkways, the protection of the member’s property, the conservation of fish and game, the preservation of the natural resources and beauties of Goodyear Lake and vicinity, and the development of the same as a comfortable, safe and refined residential and summer camp community.
A. The qualifications for membership shall be:
1. Must have paid the most recent association dues
2. Ownership or lease-held property, including long-term renters, located in the immediate vicinity of Goodyear Lake and possess interests in common with the By-laws of the Association.
3. Immediate vicinity shall be defined as the perimeter of the lake as contained within the following roadways: Starting at the intersection of NYS Rt. 7 and 28 in Colliersville -- St Rt. 7, County Rt. 35, into 35A, to NYS Rt. 28, returning back to the Rt. 7/28 intersection in Colliersville. In addition, property owners outside the perimeter are included provided their property has road frontage on the perimeter boundary.
4. Any other current Association member will maintain membership provided they continue to maintain their membership dues in a current status.
B. Members shall be entitled to: vote on any item that comes before the Association, theright to hold office or a board seat of the Association, the right to attend any and all board meetings of the Association, the right to use Association owned property in accordance with the conditions as set forth from time to time by the Association Board of Directors, and any other privileges afforded under the Associations By-Laws.
In addition:
C. Landowners with deeded right-of-ways, or easements, may use the Association Parkways/properties so specified in their deeds regardless of whether they are Association Members.
The officers shall be a President, Vice-president, a Secretary, and a Treasurer. Such officers shall be members of the Association and shall be elected at the annual meeting of the Association. The officers shall discharge the duties customarily discharged by similar officers in similar incorporated associations, subject to the following qualifications:
1. The President and Vice-president shall be elected to office for a two-year term. The President and the Vice-president shall be elected on alternate years. The Secretary and the Treasurer shall be elected to office for a two-year term and shall be elected on alternate years.
2. Upon ascendancy to office, newly elected officers shall contact the succeeded officer and obtain whatever information, articles, and/or material necessary to carry out the duties of his/her office. Confirmation of this shall be written into the minutes of the next regular meeting by a written report submitted by the officer-elect.
3. Each year, three members of the Goodyear Lake Association shall be elected to the Board of Directors for a period of three years (for a total of 9 directors), and every year the top three members will drop off while the new directors will be added to the bottom of the list.
4. The President, Vice-President, and Secretary shall have the power to sign legal documents for the Association. In the absence of the President, do to incapacitation or incapability, the Vice-President will assume his/her duties. In the event that neither the President nor the Vice-President can fulfill their duties, the board shall meet and appoint an interim until the next formal association election in August.
5. Two members of the Board of Directors shall be appointed by the President at the annual meeting (August) for election of officers to audit the books of the Treasurer and shall submit a report of same to the President before the first regular board/officer meeting in October of that year.
All Officers and Board of Directors of the organization shall assume their duties from October 1st of their elective year to September 30th of the year their term expires to facilitate the administrative changeover of officers. Under special circumstances where the succeeded officer is unable to continue his/her duties till September 30th of that year, the succeeding officer shall assume office immediately upon election.
6. Decisions of the Board of Directors may be challenged and over-ridden at the next regular association meeting by a three-quarter majority vote of the members present.
7. Any officer wishing to resign should submit his/her resignation in writing to the President – giving his/her reasons. Resignation of the President should be made to the Vice-President. Further, upon the absence or unavailability of the President, the Vice-president shall assume the President’s duties – and bearing upon the inevitability of a prolonged absence, a Vice-president shall be selected by a majority vote of the Board of Directors to serve the remainder of the term. A new President will then be elected at the next annual meeting (August) for the election of officers.
8. No single expenditure of more than $200 (Two Hundred Dollars) total for any single endeavor shall be made by any officer of the Association without consent of the Board Members on the Ways and Means Committee; except as a bill such as liability insurance, or as needed for legal representation – as noted (i.e. #4 in the Officers section).
Three regular association meetings a year will be held: the first in June, second in July, and the third in August. Any appropriate Saturday or Sunday in the month may be designated at the discretion of the President. Regular meetings, if postponed, will be held on the next succeeding Saturday or Sunday, circumstances permitting. Election of officers shall take place at the regular association meeting held in August. Additional general meetings may be held at the discretion of the President, circumstances permitting, either prior to the June meeting or following the August meeting with two weeks’ notice. However, in an emergency situation, as declared by the board, special general meetings may be held at any time with three days’ notice at the call of President, Vice-President, or at the request of five or more members of the Association and with the majority approval of the Board of Directors.
Board of Director/Officer Meetings may be held at any time at the call of the President, Vice-President, or three board members. Each director and officer shall be entitled to one vote except for the President who shall vote only in the event of a tie. Quorum: One more than half of the current number of board members.
At the regularly scheduled June Association meeting a nominating committee will be appointed to seek candidates for officers and directors whose terms will expire on September 30. The committee shall be responsible for submitting an appropriate slate of candidates at the regularly scheduled Association meeting in July and recommending that the slate so presented be nominated for the position indicated. Nominations from the floor may be made at the July meeting by any dues paid association member in attendance or by the submission of a written nomination to any officer or director made by any dues paid association member.
Election of Officers and Directors will take place at the regularly scheduled August meeting. Any dues paid association member is entitled to one vote, which may be made in person or by submitting a written proxy to any officer or director of the Association.
The candidate(s) with the largest number of votes will assume the position so elected to on October 1st.
All members shall pay annual dues of $ 30 per household payable to any officer, or authorized representative. (The amount deemed necessary to “carry on business” as determined by the Board of Directors.) Such dues become payable by June and shall cover membership privileges from June of one year to the next. Association stickers will be issued to dues paying members.
All committees shall be appointed by the President, who shall himself be a member thereof “ex-officio.” The permanent committees, appointed annually, shall consist of the following:
1. WAYS AND MEANS Committee, which shall consist of two or more members, who will assume the audit of the books (refer to #5--Officers section—which stipulates two Board Members), and other duties as requested by the President. The Ways and Means Committee will present for adoption a report of their audit findings at the first regular board/officer meeting in October each year. The fiscal year of the organization shall be from January 1st of that year, ending in December 31st of the same year.
2. ENTERTAINMENT/SOCIAL Committee shall be made up of officers and board members as needed for the events planned.
3. COMMITTEE FOR PERMANENT IMPROVEMENTS, which shall consist of two or more members who will be charged with all endeavors and investigations concerned with improving conditions generally at Goodyear Lake and its surroundings. This committee shall also initiate and incorporate all safety signs and devices on the Lake proper, as well as all similar signs and devices on land.
4. MEMBERSHIP Committee, which shall consist of two or more members who will have charge of updating the current mailing list and contacting new property owners.
5. SUNSHINE COMMITTEE: To acknowledge significant life events of fellow members and lake residents.
6. Special committees may be appointed by the President at any time.
These articles of organization may be amended at any annual meeting (August) or at a special meeting called for that purpose upon a two-thirds majority vote of the members in attendance.
Revised August 27, 2000 Revised August 20, 2011 Revised August __, 2014 Revised July 16, 2022